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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hi ~ and thank you Suzanne for inviting me over for the day. I'm thrilled to be a guest blogger for her! I author home sweet homemade, and like many bloggers, create posts to highlight the projects I tackle myself to brighten the appearance of our home. I love Suzanne's approach to style and am a huge fan of her blog.

When we moved into this house in October 2009, I started scouring internet sources to find decorating inspiration and happened upon this beautiful window treatment published on Apartment Therapy.

Loved it then and still love it now.

Our house has standard blinds throughout - nothing spectacular. I've not made much of an attempt to modify the window treatments, but in light of the changes to our dining room this year, the lack of attention to those windows became much more apparent.

Here's the inspired side of the room.

and the not-so-inspired

Add to the mix our real-life challenge: three little dogs and a kitty that like to look out the windows and sometimes bark (except for the cat) when they see something going on outside that didn't have their prior approval. We're both at work during the day and can't exactly monitor their activity. So we didn't want to purchase some gorgeously expensive silk draperies with a lovely puddled crumple on the floor just to have our adorable little dogs walk all over them. Every. Single. Day. We want our house to be pretty, but pet-friendly at the same time. Because let's face it, we have animals that live indoors.

A few weeks back, the opportunity for this project came together after I made that scrumptious wall hanging for our bedroom. In the process, I had to remove this set of curtain panels, hanging there previously.

They are a very simple synthetic blend open-weave curtain I purchased via overstock.com. I washed them, did a bit of measuring and then set them aside for the idea to fully formulate in my head. This step takes a while (cue the jeopardy music).

After percolation completed, I purchased some suspension curtain rods at Target, cut the width of the curtain panels to fit these windows with a little extra allowance for a side hem, and hung them upside down -- to avoid bulk at the top.

Then pulled them up in the middle with a length of cotton string tied looped over the top of the curtain rod and tied at the bottom.

After hanging them all, I took the top plates from the old blinds and hung them on the wall to cover the curtain rods and create visual separation for the palladium window panes.

So there we have it - a dog-friendly, soft-looking window treatment made from a pair of recycled curtain panels.

Thank you for reading and thank you to Suzanne for inviting me over to Meridian Road for the day!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I had a post ready for today. But after some deliberation, decided this video was better.
So enjoy!

(yes, the post really was that lame!)